mardi 23 octobre 2012





Strong in his beliefs
he passed by life
like a humble pilgrim
redeeming time with eternity
and forgiving offenses
as if they were dewdrops
on a Summer morning

One day he ended up
in a very strange land
where people had replaced their soul
with money and power

it takes a great man
to ignore curses
and a poor one
to know the value of holiness

Claude Lopez-Ginisty

lundi 1 octobre 2012


Clad in their self-proclaimed importance
they talked vainly
believing their words 
to be of utter importance
for their bored to tears listeners

the latter
their soul yawning inside
wished they had earlids
to escape the mortal trance
of these insane chatterboxes

outside the conference room
in the true real world
of ordinary people
the rate of exchange of lilies and roses
remained the same

and the sun the moon 
and the stars
remained the same

and the silence that followed their speeches
sounded like a blessed symphony

Claude Lopez-Ginisty